Ma vie en France

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Is this really happening?

Hellooooooooooo, I am in FRANCE! This is absolutely crazy talk. This will be quick by the way, because it's 9 pm and I'm completely out of it, wanna go to bed. The flights were fine. Annie and I lucked out on our cross-Atlantic flight because we were in a group of 3 seats, and the 3rd one wasn't filled. Yessssssss. So I slept a bit and watched Fever Pitch (terrible, I just saw the end and you shouldn't even think about ever watching it).

And then we arrived in Toulouse and I thought that I was going to have a panic attack. But I didn't, and Gauthier, Valerie, Alix, and Manon (my host family) greeted me at the airport and from then on until right now I have been in a real hazy cloud with that feeling of looking in from the outside. But I spoke French a lot, and so far they haven't laughed at me for my ridiculous badness, and I even got complimented (but I think Valerie was just trying to be nice because she could tell how completely overwhelmed I was all day).

And then the Marfaings were going to the "Super Marche", and invited me along (probably cause they didn't want some crazy looking girl staying alone in their house, because believe me, at that point, I was looking pretty crazy). So I picture some quaint little Big M type market. Ummm think again. Picture Wegman's, Walmart, BJ's, and Eastview Mall in one enormous building and that was the Centre Commercialism that we went to. So you wanna talk about the French thinking Americans are materialistic? And then it took 800 hours to find everything they needed and I was a walking zombie. But on the upside, I've had two really good meals cooked by Valerie (chicken and a tomato salad for lunch and some sort of fish with some veggies for dinner...mmm!), and my little room is really cute, albeit ridiculously tiny. It's a futon that I have the option of folding out, and now that I've discovered that I can still traverse the room fairly easily with the bed folded out, it's definitely staying out because hell no, I am not sleeping on a futon for 10 months. (And p.s. Malcolm girls: it's a whole lot more comfortable than our futon last year!) ;-) Okay, now I definitely need to go to bed, I held out to a fairly impressive 9:15. I will try to put up pictures tomorrow (resting heavily on the presumption that I will take some!) Bonne nuit!


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