Ma vie en France

Saturday, October 15, 2005

My feet have a wild life when I'm not looking

Lack of updates = Caitlin had a fairly boring week. On Thursday, we had the opening reception at Dickinson, which was fun, because all the host families came and professors and other Dickinson-affiliated people, and everyone got to meet everyone else. My host family didn’t come because Gauthier was out of town and Valérie didn’t want to have to bring the girls. But I did see one of my professors from the ISTR (Catholic Institute), and I made somewhat retarded conversation with him…but oh well, maybe I’ll get a good grade now! Also, for lack of a better picture for the week, I wore these really uncomfortable shoes to the Dickinson reception, and walked half a mile to the center in the rain, and my feet now look like they got in a knife fight or something. Hahaha, but also ouch!

And I also met my new “boss” type person for this English class that I’m teaching in a suburb of Toulouse, called Pechabou (it sounds sort of like “peek-a-boo”, and I like it). Yes, I am teaching an English class (with Kat, a Dickinson student who is studying in Toulouse for the 2nd year in a row), and no, I do not have any experience with being a teacher of any subject. But I figure I speak English natively, so I have a leg-up on any random person they could have gotten! But they pay is fairly sweeeeeet, and Kat and I are switching off weeks, so I can handle getting up early on Saturdays twice a month for a little extra pocket money! We just had our first class today and it was so much fun! I was really nervous going into it, but the kids are really sweet (there were only 4 of them today, and probably 6 will be coming on a regular basis), and they already had a solid basis of the “hi, how are you, my name is” kind of stuff, which Kat and I didn’t know would be the case. We heard they had never learned English before! So luckily we asked at the beginning of the class what English words/phrases they knew, and they rattled off a whole bunch, including some funny and random ones like “Stop it!” and “Give me!” All in all, a positive first day, and I’m not really that nervous for next time!
Tonight we have big plans. There is a “gala” at an engineering school called Sup’Aero that is apparently a huuuuuuge deal. Like, budget of 85,000 euros kind of big deal. And it’s a dress up thing, so automatically I’m there. There is an entrance fee of 16 euros, but Dickinson is graciously paying for whoever wants to go, because we have a good relationship with Sup’Aero, and Dickinson students do internships there every year (this year it’s Annie and Christine!) So I’m pretty psyched for that tonight, I’ll have to update and tell how it went!


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