Ma vie en France

Sunday, January 29, 2006


On Saturday morning, I woke up to something I thought I'd never see in Toulouse - snow! A fairly good amount of it too! My host mom said this is the first time they have had a snowfall in 9 years! I should feel lucky that I got to see it....except a) I'm from Rochester, so snow doesn't really excite me that much, and b) Saturday was the day we were going on a Dickinson excursion to the Pyrenees (actually, back to Bonascre!) to do snowshoeing and skiing! So I wake up at the crack of dawn early, which is NOT my favorite thing, drag myself to the bus at 7:45 am, and as we're heading down the highway (a good hour and a half out of Toulouse), we get word that the road to Ax-les-Thermes is closed. So there is no way to get to Ax/Bonascre! And the roads really were pretty bad, because France apparently cannot handle snow. We were going at a snail's pace on our big old bus, so it would have taken us about a day and half to get to Bonascre anyway. So we had to turn around and come back to Toulouse, and then we all had nothing to do all day. And isn't it funny that France just closes a road? And not a little road either - a highway. That would not happen in the real world of snow, a.k.a. upstate NY! And the real irony is that if we had been able to GET to Bonascre, the snow would have been amaaaazing for snowshoeing and skiing! :-( Oh well. They are going to try and reschedule our trip to either the 11th or 18th of February, and I'm hoping for the 18th, because I'm otherwise engaged on the 11th (going to the Olympics in Turin!) And meanwhile, Dickinson allowed us to go to the movies and out to eat, on them. So Annie and I caught "Good Night and Good Luck" with George Clooney this afternoon, because it was majorly miserable again today. The movie was kind of boring. Annie fell asleep.

Well I guess that's it. bisous!


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