Ma vie en France

Sunday, September 04, 2005

The garden chez Marfaing. Ivy covered walls and everything! The table with the little blue cloth is where we have eaten our meals so far.


  • At 5:12 AM, Blogger ExBF said…

    I used to work in France a few months a year....lets just say you got nicer bungalows than we had ;)

  • At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ohhh my god. i miss u too much.
    how cute ur house is* i like that A LOT! here in dickinson.... its same old but missing something,,,,,oh yeah YOU!!!!
    dinner is just so weird. sitting with vinny and kyle. party at frisbee house... totally different from last year. but some kids in frisbee house are not weird at all. some,,,only SOME.
    anyways, i love u so much. keep me updated!


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