Ma vie en France

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

La la la

Well, I lost the entry that I wrote yesterday because the internet is not very reliable in my petit bungalow! So, quick summary: Classes were really boring; we are reading some French play that is really not necessary. I have the part of “the second old man”. Score! And then after classes ended, Christine, Annie, and I took our first venture onto the bus into centre ville, and it was not scary at all. We were looking for cell phones at a store that was recommended to us, but the store ended up being sketchy and they were out of the phone we would want to buy anyway. So maybe another day. And I finally got to see the place du capitole while walking (We drove through it on the way home from the airport). It’s pretty amazing, and I’ll try to take a better picture when it’s a nicer day outside!

Today (Wednesday), our classes ended at 1:00, so we went to get lunch at Casino (a Wegmans-type chain that also has a little cafeteria) and exchange some dollars at the bank. And I successfully traversed my first official and important French conversation with someone other than a person associated with Dickinson or in a restaurant. And I got what I wanted, which was to exchange the dollars, then place the Euros directly in my account. Très bien pour moi! Then we wandered around a little, went back to the Dickinson Center to do some grammar homework for our written expression class (good practice, but boring and repetitive) and then Annie came back to my house with me, which was the first time I’ve had a guest! And Alix and Manon were soooo cute, and they were asking if Annie was going to spend the night tonight, or some other night, and then they both gave me kisses when I left (I really like the French “bise”, it’s very lovey and cute). And then Annie and I went to Kat’s (a Dickinson girl who studied in Toulouse last year and has her own apartment this year) apartment for a very good dinner and some cheap wine (2.78 euros [about $3.50] for a good sized bottle! Amazing!) And that’s all.


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