Ma vie en France

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Sooo the gala fete craziness that was the Gala Sup'Aero last night was made ten million times more crazy by the confusing events that surrounded it. So we are all at Kat's, hanging out, etc. and we had planned to get the 12:30 shuttle to Sup'Aero. Then the shuttle bus left early. So after that, it was a frenzy of taking the metro to try and catch the shuttle at the next stop (didn't work), taking the metro back to Esquirol and taking a taxi to Sup'Aero. But along the way, we lost like, half our group, and Annie, Kat, and Shana ended up not even going! Which was really sad because Annie and I had gotten ready together, and we looked really pretty. ;-) We ended up having a good time at the Gala, they had 12 bars with different themes, like Oriental, Disco, Karaoke, etc. and they did a really good job of transforming the school (I mean, I guess it was transformed....I've never been there, so maybe they always have rockin classrooms like that...) So we danced for a while, and then came back home. And the other separated group had a good time too, so everything turned out fine! Harmony, Ellen and I had a great time dancing, and it was really super hot in there!

In other news, my host parents went out last night, so one of these two brothers that often babysit for them came over, and had his little girlfriend over without asking, AND smoked in the garden and left butts everywhere. Manon had said something to Valerie, like "Mommy, I saw a girl in our house", but Val just assumed that Manon had seen Annie and I all dressed up, and didn't recognize us or something. But then, I felt like Valerie's little spy, because she was asking me all these questions to verify what actually happened, and I gave her the goods. Obviously I saw everything, seeing as how I was at home until 10:30 when we went to Kat's house! So guess what, little french babysitting boy? You aren't coming over anymore, and I feel that my information was really what tipped Valerie off the edge. And also, I feel like Val and I had a good bonding moment, and we said that this kid was really dumb, and if he had just waited until Annie and I left, everything would have been fine! You can just call me Nancy Drew.

Also, Valerie is obsessed with this Avian flu thing, which I really don't know much about because I'm really bad at following the news, but she is always like "Caitlin, make sure you don't touch bird feathers in the garden!" "Caitlin, tell your boyfriend not to eat chicken!", and today I told them that Jason said it wasn't a big deal, and even his professor wasn't worried. And she said something like "oh...well he's actually over there, and it's not a big deal, so we maybe shouldn't worry so much!" And does she really think that I would be like "Oh, that's a pretty pigeon feather, I'm just gonna go ahead and pick that up as a souvenir of Toulouse!" Hahahaha. So don't anyone be expecting a bird feather present.


  • At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "Oh, that's a pretty pigeon feather, I'm just gonna go ahead and pick that up as a souvenir of Toulouse!" Hahaha.

    by far one of the funniest things i've read in your blog to date


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