Ma vie en France

Monday, February 06, 2006

Super Bowl, France style!

Well, it was actually half France-style, half American-style (with some United Kingdom thrown in there...very international). De Danu is an Irish pub right near my house, and this France/Etats-Unis group organized a little American fiesta to watch the Super Bowl! They had Budweiser and this guy made some amaaaaazing chili. It was all very American and loud and smoky. Not that I've ever actually watched the Super Bowl in a bar before...but I'm assuming it would be something like this. ;-) There was a French football (as in, American football) team there too, and they were more into the game than the Americans! Unfortunately, it was televised on a British sports channel, so there were no good commercials and the announcers really sucked at talking about football (ie. calling a "tackle" something ridiculous like a "conflict"), so it was not exactly like in the US, but it was good enough. And then Michael and I got these ridiculous looking hats with no brims for free. We obviously wore them. There was even one of those little baseball cap holes in the back for my ponytail, how convenient!

Unfortunately, I could not even stay up past the half time show (mind you, the super bowl didn't even start until midnight here, so we're talking around 2:30 am, not tooo bad), so I had to find out online who won the next day! Not that I even cared at all. :-)

bisous! <3


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