Ma vie en France

Monday, September 04, 2006

United States time!

So I realized recently that I never did a conclusion blog entry. Oh wait, I hate that word blog. I mean...journal entry. Sooo I got back to the States a-okay. As you probably guessed. I had a sweet seat on the plane, with like 8 feet of leg room. Literally. And then it was weird to be in the U.S. where everyone speaks English and is loud and stuff is really cheap. But I got over that fairly quickly and then spent my summer working like a dog to make back all the money that I spent abroad! And now I'm back at school, and it's fun and nice because I actually understand what's going on in classes and I can participate and be a real student! And senior year is scary.

Okayyy, so that is 3 months of my life in a nutshell. I'm good at summarizing when I have to! Sooo, bisous and a bientot! :)


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