Ma vie en France

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Once I was the King of Spain...

I never thought that I would actually have any opportunity to sing that song and have it make any sense, but yesterday I got my chance! Well, it still didn't really make sense, because obviously I'm not the king of Spain, but at least it was somewhat applicable: the King of Spain, King Juan Carlos I and his wife, Queen Sofia visited Toulouse yesterday! We saw all these spanish and french flags flying at Capitole, and then we remembered that we had read in the paper about their visit! So we waited around in the bright sunshine, saw a bunch of faux-motocades that were only there to tease us and were not actually accompanying the king, and then finally the king and queen showed up! We couldn't really see that well, and we're not sure which one he actually was, because he brought his huge posse with him and they all got out of their cars at the same time, but he was definitely in there somewhere! Also, Jaques Chirac's wife, Bernadette, was here to welcome them!

Annie and I caught them later as well, by chance, as we walked by the Prefecture and he was apparently going there for a visit! It was exciting, I like seeing famous/important people in Toulouse! His security officers were all over, on roofs and stuff, and his guards wore pretty uniforms with tassles and boots. Wheeeeee


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