Ma vie en France

Monday, October 24, 2005

Fancy a ruck?

I don't really know what that means, but it's related to rugby, and we went to a rugby game on Saturday! It was really fun! And we were told that we had really bad seats, but we were right on one of the "endzone" lines! So we had a really good view whenever they were down in that end, and for the 2nd half, it was a lot because the Toulouse team is awesome. They are the European champs or something. We played Wales, and pretty much kicked their butt. I think the final score was like 55-21 or something. Yaaaaay! And the ambiance is pretty much like any American football or soccer game: really loud, lots of painted faces, and crazy! I really want to buy a Stade Toulousian jersey, but they are really expensive! Maybe as a birthday present to myself. But I actually really did end up enjoying the game, because my dad (former rugby player!) gave me a great run down of the rules and players and stuff. Thanks Dad! ;-) The Toulouse team is red.

After the game, we went out to dinner at a Chilean restaurant and I got....chili! And it was delicious. And we walked over the Pont Neuf to get there, so we saw the Garonne River at night, and it was beautiful! You could see all the bridges lit up, and I liked it a lot. In other news, I'm sick again. I think the germs in France are really strong. Yuck! And we're going to Paris this Friday and I'm soooo excited because I've never been! I'm going through guidebooks and everything to get good ideas where to go. Yay!


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