Ma vie en France

Thursday, October 27, 2005


We are leaving for Paris tomorrow morning! I'm incredibly excited. We won't get back until Tuesday, which is a "jour ferie", or national holiday. Unfortunately, I won't miss any classes.

I am going to be the dorkiest, most enthusiastic Parisian tourist ever, and I can't wait to see everything. Unfortunately, we are not riding the TGV, we are riding the slow, stupid train that is actually only 30 minutes longer than the TGV. And I really hope it's a train with cabins, like in Harry Potter. Except I don't even think those exist in real life. But it would be cool. And Annie and I are going to do some major planning. We actually have a good amount of free time away from Dickinson planned activities, so I want to use it wisely. Especially because with Dickinson, we don't hit the major tourist things (ie. Eiffel Tower, Champs-Elysees, Notre Dame), and I definitely want to see those. And take 8000 pictures. :-) And Annie and I bought a sachet for the train, which is the greatest invention from French bakeries since the pastries themselves. It's a bag full of like, day-old pastries which still taste delicious, and it's only 3.50 euros. Amaaaaazing. So I have all that to look forward to tomorrow, which is a lot. ;-)


  • At 5:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    learn the city ell b/c we are going when i am in europe in 2 months ahhh!



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